CIGRE Science & Engineering





The CIGRE journal of selected peer reviewed articles.


This journal is the outcome of CIGRE’s desire to broaden its publication to articles of interest for its members and non-members, outside the CIGRE sphere.


All articles in this journal are peer reviewed and a significant number of most experienced and acknowledged experts in the various fields of the electric power sector are available as reviewers.
Articles in the entire field of the electric power sector ranging from system aspects, environmental issues to subsystem, equipment-and information technology for the power system are welcomed.
Scientific as well as more application related papers are meant to be included for an expert’s academia, i.e. students, professors and young in career engineers and experienced experts in industry.


CSE is an open electronic Journal, free available for download to everyone, and has three issues per year, on February, June and October.

CSE Editorial Team accepts only high quality papers which are stringently peer reviewed by the world’s leading experts, these being the Chairpersons of the 16 CIGRE Study Committees.



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