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CIGRE publications copyrights

Reproduction / Translation


Reproduction of CIGRE publications is permitted after signature of a permission letter (approved by our Secretary General Philippe Adam). General Conditions concerning copyrights are available in this document.


The following are prohibited without express agreement from CIGRE:

  • total or partial reproduction of the document, other than for personal and private use;
  • making the document available to any third party, which covers circulation on an intranet or corporate network.


For any request about reproduction or translation of a CIGRE publication, please contact us and specify:

  • Name and postal address of the author of your publication/project
  • Title of your publication(s)/project
  • Name of your publisher
  • year of your publication
  • Specific material from CIGRE used in your project (name of the brochure/book/article, n° of figures or tables, pages)


It is required to include an acknowledgment in the front matter and use the standard attribution footnote as shown: <Material> reprinted with permission from CIGRE, <title of work from which material is excerpted>, © <copyright year>.


The license is granted at no cost.



Availability of specific publications - Internal company libraries


As long as it is not used for commercial purposes, we can authorize the distribution of these free CIGRE publications through your library. Please contact us to validate this authorization by a written agreement by email.
Any CIGRE publication must be identified as such, including the URL of the publication on e-cigre.


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