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Reference: SESSION_2022_B4

Session Materials

Session 2022 - SC B4 Package


Session Delegates (Members and non-members) : access these materials for free via your Session registration account.






  • Opening Ceremony
  • Opening Panel
  • Next Generation Network forum
  • Women In Energy forum (2 videos)



  • Group Discussion Meeting 1

  • Group Discussion Meeting 2

  • Workshop B1-B2-B4-C1 - Extra-long transnational transmission lines

  • Tutorial - DC GridBenchmark Modelsfor System Studies


Documents PDF

Session Papers & Posters

  • 10109    Modelling and stability Assessment of integrated offshore HVDC networks
  • 10110    Test Systems and Models for DC/DC Converters intended for DC Transmission Grid Applications
  • 10111    HVDC technology advancements for the integration of an Offshore Wind Farm (Sofia Project)nd their integration in the Design of the Sofia offshore Wind Farm
  • 10112    The Harmonic Loci-Based Control Design: Practical Methods in Frequency and Time Domain for a Consistent Design of VSC HVDC Harmonic Active Solutions
  • 10113    A novel control Strategy of bipolar Balance for multi-terminal HVDC and its application on a three-terminal HVDC Project
  • 10115    Laboratory Demonstration of a Cascaded Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Converter for Medium-Voltage DC Transmission
  • 10116    Real Time dynamic Performance, control interaction and protection Studies of modular static synchronous series compensation Technology in the Great Britain Transmission System
  • 10141    The Multi-terminal Hybrid HVDC Benchmark Model
  • 10143    LCC-HVDC and Hybrid LCC-MMC-HVDC Transmission: A Comparison in the Brazilian Power System
  • 10144    SVC Applications in Brazil - Basic Design Evaluation, Modeling, and Integration Studies
  • 10211    Novel HVDC MMC VSC Topology with DC Fault Current Limiting Capability
  • 10212    Clearance of Temporary Faults in MMC-HVDC Overhead Line Transmission
  • 10213    Use of IEC 61850 in HVDC
  • 10246    Study on the Converter Valve Peak Voltage of Bukdangjin-Godeok HVDC System under Various Operating Condition
  • 10260    Mutual Electromagnetic Interaction Between VSC-HVDC Underground Cable Systems and HVAC Systems in Germany
  • 10261    Business Case Analysis for the Songo Converter Station
  • 10264    AC-AC Solid-State Distribution Transformer
  • 10265    Application of Power Electronics to Enhance Synchronous Condenser Performance
  • 10316    A New High-Frequency Resonance Suppression Strategy for VSC-HVDC System
  • 10320    Design and Development of Multi-terminal Hybrid UHVDC Control and Protection System
  • 10322    Operation mode and post-fault recovery of bipole VSC-HVDC system with offshore wind farms connection
  • 10323    HVDC Controller with Model-Based Design and Verification through HILS
  • 10327    Review of the Electrical Topology of High-voltage High-capacity DC/DC Converters
  • 10328    Design and Research of DC Filter for LCC-MMC Multi-terminal HVDC Transmission System
  • 10329    System Commissioning Test of the UHV LCC-VSC MTDC Project
  • 10368    Evaluation of Operating Conditions of Filter Capacitors Banks Protections and Filter Circuits Switch at the Vyborg Converter Substation
  • 10429    HVDC System Operation Performance Analysis Via Statistical Analysis on O&M Data with RAM Basis
  • 10459    Refurbishment of India’s Oldest HVDC Link, 500 MW Vindhyachal HVDC backto- back system - Refurbishment Concept Planning and Strategies
  • 10460    Unique challenges and remedies during operation of world’s first ±800 kV Multi Terminal HVDC System – North East Agra Project
  • 10462    Refurbishment of HVDC System in India: Philosophy
  • 10465    Feasibility study of adding a third full bridge VSC-based HVDC terminal on an existing LCC-based HVDC transmission system
  • 10466    DC Fault Recovery Capability of the Pugalur-Thrissur HVDC Project
  • 10467    Fault ride through investigations in a VSC bipole HVDC system connected to renewables using an AC chopper
  • 10483    Experience of Modelling Converter Based Devices in Indian Power System
  • 10516    Harmonic and transient interaction due to electromagnetic interference between parallel HVDC and HVAC underground power cables
  • 10517    STATCOM Refurbishment and Lifecycle Considerations in a Steelmaking Application
  • 10518    Energy Storage Enhanced STATCOM for Secure and Stable Power Grids
  • 10520    DC Interconnection of Adjacent Point-to-Point HVDC Links as an Enabling Step towards Multiterminal HVDC Systems
  • 10570    HVDC Link Benefits for the AC Transmission System Operation. Technical and Economic Aspects
  • 10584    ±180kV, 300MW KEPCO BP1 Haenam–Jeju HVDC Scheme Refurbishment – Key Features and Execution Experiences
  • 10662    First Modular Static Synchronous Series Compensation Installation in Latin America – From Planning to Operation
  • 10697    Physical Model based Monte Carlo for Early Failure Analysis of a Switching Mode Power Supply used in HVDC Transmissions
  • 10704    Delivery of Modular Static Synchronous Series Compensators on the Greek Transmission System to Provide Substantial Increase in Cross-Border Interconnection Capacity
  • 10729    Standard Specifications and Simulation Analysis on Control and Protection Scheme for Multivendor Offshore Multi-Terminal HVDC System
  • 10730    Results of Ground Fault Test and Response to actual Ground Fault of New Hokkaido-Honshu HVDC Link
  • 10731    System Study and Commissioning Test of the Hida-Shinano HVDC Link
  • 10732    Grid-forming FACTS Systems for Increased Renewable Generation Penetration
  • 10778    Tyrrhenian Link – a paramount project to achieve the decarbonization of the Italian power system
  • 10779    High performance HVDC – LCC converters for the new SaCoI 3 link: Preliminary analysis and simulations
  • 10781    125 Mvar STATCOM systems for oscillation damping and supporting HVDC-LCC reactive power unbalance
  • 10795    ±500kV, 3000MW Bipole LCC HVDC Transmission Bukdangjin - Godeok Project– Key Design Aspects
  • 10896    Integration of power flow controllers in HVDC grids
  • 10897    Parallel operation of a multi-vendor HVDC scheme between France and UK – IFA2000 and Eleclink interaction studies
  • 10898    EMT Simulation of an HVDC link based on extended overlap-alternate arm converter
  • 10899    Severity adapted fault clearing strategy for MTDC grids including cables and overhead lines
  • 10900    Unidirectional step-up isolated DC-DC converter for MVDC electrical networks
  • 10940    Improving HVDC Performance Data Collection and Sharing
  • 10979    Transmission System testing of a VSC based HVDC System
  • 11085    A transparent process to ensure appropriate and compliant grid-forming behaviour for HVDC systems and FACTS - A TSO perspective
  • 11087    European offshore grid: On protection system design for radial bipolar multi-terminal HVDC networks
  • 11088    Methods and requirements for the upgrade of HVDC and STATCOM solutions with Grid Forming functions for Multi-level converter topologies
  • 11089    Online Estimation of Dynamic Capacity of VSC-HVDC Systems - Proof of Concept in NordLink
  • 11120    FACTS with energy storage for renewable integration in Georgia power system
  • 11135    Survey of the Reliability of HVDC Systems throughout World during 2019 – 2020
  • 11146    Offshore Grid Forming Control in Parallel VSC HVDC Bipole Systems
  • 11147    Modified ON-OFF Control for Very High Frequency Class E DC-DC Converter with Efficiency Improvement
  • 11166    Hypergrid: towards the Italian electricity grid of the future



  • Workshop B1-B2-B4-C1 - Extra-long transnational transmission lines



  • Tutorial - DC GridBenchmark Modelsfor System Studies


Opening Panel - Energy Transition Salient Aspects for the Power Industry

  • Session 1 - Energy Transition on Power Equipment
  • Session 2 - Changes in Planning and Design of Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • Session 3 - Re-designing regulatory & market tools considering sector coupling scenarios


General Report B4


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Study Committee:  B4 ?

Year: 2022

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