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Reference: SESSION_2022_C2

Session Materials

Session 2022 - SC C2 Package


Session Delegates (Members and non-members) : access these materials for free via your Session registration account.






  • Opening Ceremony
  • Opening Panel
  • Next Generation Network forum
  • Women In Energy forum (2 videos)



  • Group Discussion Meeting 1

  • Group Discussion Meeting 2

  • Workshop C2-C5 - Large disturbances

  • Tutorial - TSO-DSO Cooperation Control Centre Tools Requirements


Documents PDF

Session Papers & Posters

  • 10159    Brazilian Power System Operation Under Extreme Operating Conditions - Recent Examples and Proposals to Face Future Challenges
  • 10160    Brazilian Interconnected Power System - Implementation of Wind Power Farm in Restoration Process: Practices and Experience
  • 10161    Brazil's Embedded HVDC Systems – Operation Planning Challenges
  • 10198    Operational Metering, forecast & validation of effective Area Inertia
  • 10199    Development and validation of new organisational Models and Systems for DER led Restoration
  • 10200    Inertia Measurements in the GB Power System used for operations and planning Improvements
  • 10224    Automated System-wide Event Detection and Classification Using Machine Learning on Synchrophasor Data
  • 10228    Approach to Distribution PMU Placement and Observability Analysis
  • 10230    A KDE-based Methodology for PMU Data Management and Real-time Event Detection
  • 10352    Potential and challenges of AI-powered decision support for short-term system operations
  • 10402    Wide-Frequency Measurement Technology for Power Electronics- dominated based Power Systems
  • 10405    Challenges and Countermeasures on Operational Planning with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources: Chinese Experience and Prospect
  • 10408    Influence of the Fault Ride-Through Control Strategy of Wind Turbines on the Transmission Power of UHVAC/DC
  • 10426    Challenges And Responding To The Booming Of Renewables In Vietnam’s Power System
  • 10427    Low Demand Operation of a Grid with High Share of Inverter-Based Resources - South Australian Case Study
  • 10479    Experience of development and implementation of SOMS (System Operation Management Software)
  • 10481    Reactive Power Management and Other Challenges with High Renewable Penetration: Case study of Indian grid
  • 10482    Impact of Silt on Hydro Stations of Northern part of Indian Power System and Enhancing the Resilience in Grid Operation through near Real Time Silt Monitoring
  • 10484    A tool to detect Low frequency power system oscillations in real time using PMU data
  • 10487    Implementation of New Dispatch Formulation and Software for Tertiary Frequency Control Reserves in Indian Power System
  • 10488    Evolution of Renewable Energy Monitoring Centre in Southern Regional Grid: Experience through Data, Forecasting and Challenges
  • 10548    State Estimation in Medium Voltage Distribution Networks using Pseudo Measurements
  • 10550    Synchrophasor-based Applications to Enhance Electrical System Performance in the Netherlands
  • 10554    Transition to a new regional coordination framework
  • 10559    Development of Dispatching Monitoring and Control Technology in Russia Based on PMU Data
  • 10565    Nonparametric Identification of Events in the Western Siberia Power System Based on Big Data Processing of PMU
  • 10579    Re-establishing Functional Observability in a Control Center under Total Loss of Normal Communications using Time-series Clustering
  • 10635    Applying Big Data Analytics to Demand Forecast in Island Power Systems towards Large Installation of Renewable Energy
  • 10636    Development of New Integrated Stability Control System for Photovoltaics Introduction Expanding Grid Utilizing Artificial Intelligence
  • 10680    Prediction of possible power system blackout risk with machine learning algorithms
  • 10711    Smart Grid Flexibility Solutions for Transmission Networks with Increased RES Penetration
  • 10787    Wide Area Monitoring and Protection System for interarea oscillations suppression in the Italian power system
  • 10791    Islanded Operation of the HV/MV network: a Dynamic Study based on a Real-Life Experiment Data
  • 10798    Quantifying the impact of Synchronous Inertial Response and Fast Frequency Response to Frequency Stability for high share of Renewables in HVDC interconnected Jeju system
  • 10873    Development of Innovative Power Flow Controller-compatible RTCA Decision Support Tools for Enhancing Control Centre Operations
  • 10913    Transient stability enhancement through the control of embedded HVDC transmission systems. Grid2030 RITSE project
  • 10916    Year-ahead operational planning in an evolving system through multi-situation methods
  • 10942    Practical experience of using fully automated centralized voltage regulation in transmission system
  • 10954    Technical, Regulatory and Economic Development for Distributed Flexible AC Transmission Systems – D-FACTS
  • 10985    Resilience Enhancement Applications in Operational Planning and Control for the TSO of Serbia
  • 10986    Deep Learning Application for Power Generation Forecasting of VRE in Thailand
  • 10987    Demonstration Project of Low Carbonization and Advancement by Online Optimized Control of Transmission System Voltage and Reactive Power utilizing ICT
  • 11005    Handling intra-zonal constraints in the upcoming European balancing Markets
  • 11032    New voltage control service and VOLTAIREE project
  • 11034    Testing of Power Oscillation detection algorithm using a Real-Time PMU laboratory
  • 11098    Training platform for proof of future dispatcher tools
  • 11100    Ad-Hoc Determination and Activation of Remedial Actions in Electro-Thermal System Operations
  • 11128    Machine Learning Using PMU Data to Predict Small Signal Disturbances
  • 11150    Simulator-based operator training on power system operating procedures
  • 11151    Topology Optimization of Power Network with Renewable Energy Sources Based on an Adapted Genetic Algorithm
  • 11152    Black-Start Network Restoration using Offshore Wind Power with AC cables



  • Workshop C2-C5 - Large disturbances



  • Tutorial - TSO-DSO Cooperation Control Centre Tools Requirements


Opening Panel - Energy Transition Salient Aspects for the Power Industry

  • Session 1 - Energy Transition on Power Equipment
  • Session 2 - Changes in Planning and Design of Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • Session 3 - Re-designing regulatory & market tools considering sector coupling scenarios


General Report C2


File Size: 123,6 MB

Study Committee:  C2 ?

Year: 2022

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