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Reference: SESSION_2022_C1

Session Materials

Session 2022 - SC C1 Package


Session Delegates (Members and non-members) : access these materials for free via your Session registration account.






  • Opening Ceremony
  • Opening Panel
  • Next Generation Network forum
  • Women In Energy forum (2 videos)



  • Group Discussion Meeting 1

  • Group Discussion Meeting 2

  • Workshop B1-B2-B4-C1 - Extra-long transnational transmission lines

  • Tutorial WG C1.44 - Global interconnected and sustainable electricity system


Documents PDF

Session Papers & Posters

  • 10156    Sectionalizing Transmission Lines, an Expansion Planning Challenge, Amplified by Unexpected Emerging Variable Renewable Generation and Environmental Restrictions
  • 10196    Ancillary Services provision from local thermal Systems to the electrical power System
  • 10197    A probabilistic Approach to stability Analysis for boundary transfer capability Assessment
  • 10221    Risk Modelling in the Decarbonization of Electric Systems
  • 10222    Storage Planning - Textbook or Secret Sauce?
  • 10223    A 100% Zero Emission Electricity Market in New York
  • 10226    Unlocking the Queue with Grid-Enhancing Technologies: Case Study of the Southwest Power Pool
  • 10254    Long-term operational reserves evaluation of multi-area systems – Portuguese case study
  • 10343    Research on the regulation mechanism and comprehensive evaluation technology of power/gas conversion for clean energy consumption
  • 10344    Research on the Planning and Configuration Method of Municipal Heating Electricity Supplementary Heating for Grid-heating Network Coupling
  • 10345    Load Forecast Modeling Based on Power Grid Dynamics under Covid-19 Impact
  • 10346    A resilient improvement planning method of AC/DC hybrid urban receiver-end power grid
  • 10351    Compatibility & interoperability framework to facilitate the step-wise organic development of multi-terminal HVDC grids
  • 10380    Mid-term Electricity Storage Needs of the Power System of Cyprus
  • 10392    Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Distribution Load Profiles
  • 10409    Research on Transmission Expansion Planning Considering Resilience Enhancement of Power Grid
  • 10424    Energy Planning considering Citizen Participation: Optimization Models at the Service of a Better Electrical Infrastructure Expansion for Chilean Society
  • 10425    BESS Parinas–Polpaico: Capacity Uprating of a 500 kV Transmission Line using Energy Storage
  • 10474    Changing paradigm and strategy to reduce the effect of intermittent injection of Power by Renewable Generators through controlled operation of Base load Generators – A Procurer’s perspective
  • 10475    Experience of Covid-19 Pandemic along with other extreme events in Indian Electricity Market and Progress of Market Reforms
  • 10555    The Gridmaster-toolbox, a step towards a new infrastructure investment paradigm
  • 10556    Implementation and Application of the Demand Response Mechanism and the Concept of Active Energy Complexes for the Development and Improvement of the Efficiency of UPS of Russia
  • 10557    Technical Feasibility Study of Bornholm Energy Island Transmission System
  • 10564    Application of a Deterministic Chaos Theory and Artificial Intelligence Methods for Predicting Accidents in Electric Grids of European Russia
  • 10586    Energy Storage Planning and Grid Connection Analysis for Renewable Energy in Kinmen
  • 10597    Development of Asset Management Method for Power Distribution Equipment
  • 10598    Introduction of Non-Firm Type Connection to Expand Introduction of Renewable Energy
  • 10706    Asset Management as a Framework for Energy Transition of Power Utilities in Developing Countries
  • 10708    Advanced IT Tools for Distribution Network Resilience Improvement: The X-FLEX Project Demo in Xanthi
  • 10747    Actions for the implementation of Energy Communities in Colombia
  • 10782    Cost of green hydrogen production. The influence of electrolyser technology, res characteristics and CCS
  • 10783    How the industrial internet of things is driving the asset management digitalization: the implementation of an interconnected asset performance management system in the electrical power distribution sector
  • 10784    Optimising Italian Electricity and Gas Sectors Coupling in a 2030 Decarbonized Energy System
  • 10785    KAIROS, An Innovative Tool for Planning Renewable Energies and Flexibility Options in the MENA Region: A case study on the KSA Power System
  • 10786    The innovative FlexPlan methodology to reap the benefits of including storage and load flexibility in grid planning: methodology and regional study cases
  • 10793    Validation and application of the methodology to compute resilience indicators for the Italian Transmission System
  • 10807    Determining optimal technical solutions for new transmission lines (OHL/UGC) in an early project stage to assess environmental impact and stakeholder involvement
  • 10811    Combined HVDC system approach for offshore wind power integration and interconnection
  • 10812    Active Network Management solutions and their financial implications on distribution grid development
  • 10821    Concepts for considering environmental needs and personal safety for substation design and increase the resilience of the grid
  • 10909    Interconnection of South Asia for exchanging renewable energy
  • 11003    Foundational data layer and data model for Transformer, Cable and GIS specific asset health application
  • 11004    Availability of data for asset management and automated condition monitoring
  • 11029    Storage and Demand Response inclusion in the network extension planning process
  • 11030    Energy transition system prospective and operability studies in Spain
  • 11033    Long-Term Demand Forecast For Oman Electricity Transmission System Master Plan (2020-2040)
  • 11095    Methods to identify the optimal operating area of a grid booster
  • 11096    Voltage Stability Risks Caused by Dynamic Interactions in Integrated Energy Systems
  • 11097    German HVDC corridors as starting points for a pan-European HVDC overlay grid
  • 11149    Enhancing the Green Hydrogen Business Case



  • Workshop B1-B2-B4-C1 - Extra-long transnational transmission lines



  • Tutorial WG C1.44 - Global interconnected and sustainable electricity system


Opening Panel - Energy Transition Salient Aspects for the Power Industry

  • Session 1 - Energy Transition on Power Equipment
  • Session 2 - Changes in Planning and Design of Transmission and Distribution Systems
  • Session 3 - Re-designing regulatory & market tools considering sector coupling scenarios


General Report C1


File Size: 163,1 MB

Study Committee:  C1 ?

Year: 2022

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